Thursday, June 1, 2017

Pioneer Books

CCGS Pioneer Books

For genealogists who have ancestors who lived in Clark County the Pioneer books can be a valuable resource. They contain around 30,000 names of people with Clark County connections.
Clark County Pioneers A Centennial Salute, Rose Marie Harshman, 760 pp, published in 1989
Clark County Pioneers Through the Turn of the Century, Rose Marie Harshman, 911 pp, published in 1993
These books are the big, red books located on the top shelf of the south wall of the CCGS library. The first book is out of print, but a few copies of the second book are available for purchase.

Loose Leaf Copies of Pioneer Books

The Pioneer books are bulky and awkward so photocopying pages is difficult. There are loose-leaf editions of the two books in 3 ring binders on the shelf behind the librarian’s desk. Pages can be removed for photocopying, then returned to the binders. Note: these volumes may differ slightly from the shelf copies since they were made from the author’s manuscript.

CCGS Master Index Includes Pioneer Books

Names in the Pioneer books are included in the CCGS Master Index.
Enter in the source field either pioneerbk1 or pioneerbk2 and any other search criteria. You will get a list of matching names and page numbers. You can do this from home but you will then need to consult the books on the shelf at the library.

Pioneer Files, Sources for Pioneer Books

One limitation of the Pioneer books is that they do not list sources for the information contained therein. Researchers interested in taking the next step may want to consult the Pioneer Files. Pioneer Files contain some of the source material that were submitted to the Pioneer books author. They may contain additional information and the names of the submitters.
The Pioneer Files are in a locked , beige, two-drawer file cabinet in the center of the library. The key to the file cabinet is kept in the center drawer of the librarian's desk. We have had some Pioneer files go missing in the past, so their use by library patrons should be supervised. Check with the library director for guidance and the latest usage rules.

Project—Scanning and Indexing Pioneer Files

As insurance against the loss of material from the Pioneer Files, I’ve started a project to scan and index the Pioneer Files so they will be available in digital form (easy to back up.) If you are interested, check with me to get trained. Once this is done, the cabinet can remain locked. Patrons will view the files on CCGS library computers.

Project—Re-do Clark County Pioneer Books

A project is in the formative stage to re-do the Pioneer Books with expanded coverage. This will likely be a joint project with the Clark County Historical Society. If you are interested, let the library director know.

Bill Whalley

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